Originally published: Aug 01, 2001 Printable PDF Version Articles Archives
According to Forrester Research, 75% of Internet-based service projects fail to deliver the promised results. Although this number is alarmingly high, project failure rates have historically been high in the early stages of new technology, and the World Wide Web is no exception. History also suggests that with experience, an effective process, and the right tools to support our efforts, we can eventually reduce these project risks to manageable levels.
Let’s look at how we are wasting time and money and then see how to turn things around and put a good face back on the process of interaction design.
By the way, we think we have a great solution to get you started. It’s called GUIguide™, the world’s first User Interface Design Knowledge Portal. www.guiguide.com. Let me know what you think, info@classicsys.com.