I’ll be speaking next week at a new conference here in the US. It’s called Jboye and is focused on delivering practical enterprise solutions for collaboration and knowledge management in a vendor neutral environment. I’ve been speaking for 3 years at the sister conference in Aarhus, Denmark and have found it to be very focused, useful and insightful. Even if you can’t make it this year, I’d put in on your list for next year and I’ll keep things updated on my experience this year at the conference.
In the meantime, you may want to check out these enterprise solutions that seem to be getting traction:
Jackbe – Enterprise mashup solution. Sweetspot is a mashup layer that connects your web services in a secure, scalable framework.
Backbase – Enterprise Web 2.0 portal solution that actually delivers an easy to modify user experience.
zAgile – Open source Enterprise Semantic Wiki’s – Has the potential to actually create usable knowledge across the enterprise.